

October 03, 2023

APLA Health Commemorates the Life and Legacy of U.S Senator Dianne Feinstein and Celebrates the Appointment of Laphonza Butler as Senator

In response to the passing of U.S. Sen. Dianne Feinstein, who died on September 29th, APLA Health CEO Craig E. Thompson issued the following statement: “Last week, we lost an ally and longtime LGBTQ+ advocate. Sen. Feinstein fought long and hard to raise awareness of the AIDS epidemic in Congress and worked tirelessly to promote...
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September 06, 2023

APLA Health Supports the AIDS United 340B Work Group Statement of Principles

As a founding member of the AIDS United 340B Work Group, APLA Health supports the Statement of Principles (SOP) released today. The SOP holds that the 340B Program is working as intended, provides critical resources to safety-net providers like APLA Health, and enables them to invest in programs and infrastructure that save lives, especially those...
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August 10, 2023

APLA Health Announces the Michael Gottlieb Health Center, West Hollywood

As the country celebrates National Health Care Center Week, APLA Health announces that it has begun construction on its newest health center to be located in the City of West Hollywood. The Michael Gottlieb Health Center, West Hollywood will provide LGBTQ+ primary care services, HIV specialty care, comprehensive sexual health services, and behavioral health services. With...
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August 08, 2023

Best in Drag Show returns to the Orpheum Theatre on October 1st, 2023

Tickets for the annual Best in Drag Show charity fundraising event are now on sale. The show returns to the Orpheum Theatre on October 1st, 2023. Curtains rise at 7:00 p.m. Best in Drag Show is a beauty pageant parody in which six contestants compete in drag in all the customary beauty pageant categories: evening...
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July 28, 2023

APLA Health Warns Community of Proposed National Cuts to HIV Healthcare Programs and LGBTQ+ Organizations

As Congress begins its month-long August recess, APLA Health urgently calls the community’s attention to the proposed draconian cuts to life-saving programs that target HIV, STDs, the Minority AIDS Initiative and, very specifically, the LGBTQ+ community. The cuts were proposed in two Republican-led subcommittees of the House Appropriations Committee. They span multiple programs, including $238.5...
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July 12, 2023

APLA Health Celebrates the Life and Legacy of Former Board of Directors Member the Rev. Dr. Steve Pieters

In response to the passing of the Rev. Dr. Steve Pieters, who died on July 8, APLA Health CEO Craig E. Thompson issued the following statement: “Today APLA Health joins our community in celebrating the pioneering legacy of Rev. Steve Pieters. He was a long-term survivor, advocate, and spiritual advisor to people living with HIV/AIDS...
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July 07, 2023

How People with AIDS Transformed Personal Agency and Access to Care

Lee Klosinski, Ph.D.Chair, APLA Health Board of Directors  If you have received a cancer diagnosis, you probably understand yourself as a person living with cancer, not a cancer victim. Or you may have a serious life-threatening condition and be receiving treatment with an experimental drug that shows clinical promise and is available through FDA-approved expanded...
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May 19, 2023

APLA Health Asks the Los Angeles Dodgers to Reinstate The Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence

APLA Health joins the call in asking for the Los Angeles Dodgers to reinstate The Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence as an honoree for this year’s Pride Night event. As longtime fellow activists in the LGBTQ+ community, The Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence have raised millions of dollars to support and mobilize our community’s efforts toward achieving...
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April 20, 2023

APLA Health Celebrates the Life and Legacy of Former Board of Directors Member Wilbert C. Jordan, M.D.

In response to the passing of Dr. Wilbert Jordan, APLA Health CEO Craig E. Thompson issued the following statement: “Today APLA Health joins our community in celebrating the pioneering legacy of Dr. Wilbert Jordan, who served as a member of our board. He was Professor Emeritus at Charles R. Drew University of Medicine and Science...
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March 06, 2023

APLA Health Announces $25 Minimum Wage

APLA Health has announced a new $25 per hour minimum wage for its workforce by January 2024. In January 2021, the agency announced its intention to be a “pay leader” in LA County and adopted a $20 per hour minimum wage. Thereafter, APLA Health increased its minimum wage by 9% in 2022, to $21.80 an...
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January 30, 2023

Out Here Presents Black History Month

On Tuesday February 7th, #HealthyHim and NETWORX will be hosting a Black Queer Market in Conference Room D from 3pm–8pm in partnership with black owned businesses from the surrounding area. During this event, we will be offering incentivized HIV testing and hosting an engaging and immersive PrEP/PEP presentation and also sharing current data that still shows that Black people...
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January 14, 2023

APLA Health Commemorates 40 Years

In 2023, the agency celebrates “40 Years of Life” in Los Angeles County. APLA Health (formerly known as AIDS Project Los Angeles) is officially celebrating its 40th anniversary, reflecting on four decades of compassionate care and service, under the theme “40 Years of Life”. On January 14th, 1983, the agency was officially founded by Nancy...
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Media Contact

If you are a member of the media and would like to contact APLA Health, please contact Joe Hui, Director of Communications, at 213.201.1342 or
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