
David P. Lee

Clinic Director
APLA Health Center, CDU/MLK Medical Campus

Prior to joining APLA Health, David served as the Associate Director of the Drew Center for AIDS Research Education and Services (Drew CARES) at Charles R. Drew University of Medicine and Science where he continues to serve as a faculty member. He previously lived in Lima, Peru, where he studied Spanish and worked at Asociación Civil IMPACTA Salud y Educación, one of the largest HIV NGO’s in South America, coordinating U.S. government grant writing activities focusing on HIV research and training. There, he also served as a training advisor and mentor for international scholars. He previously worked as the Washington State Training Manager for the Mountain West AIDS Education and Training Center at the University of Washington and also worked as a Medical Social Worker at the Madison Clinic at Harborview Medical Center in Seattle. He has worked with the HIV Vaccine Trials Network at the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center in Seattle where he was actively involved in developing and implementing that organization’s first vaccine study and was responsible for training staff at multiple domestic and international study sites. He is the past chair of the Washington State Governor’s Advisory Council on HIV/AIDS serving for nearly 11 years under 2 governors. He is a commissioner on the LA County Commission on HIV, appointed by the LA County Board of Supervisors in 2017. He is a licensed clinical social worker in the State of California.

Languages Spoken: English, Spanish

APLA Health Center, CDU/MLK Medical Campus

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