Daily PrEP

Is Daily PrEP right for me?
It is effective for people who have any type of sex. If you want to stay HIV-negative, Daily PrEP may be right for you. Discuss this with your healthcare team.
Do I have to take Daily PrEP every day?
Yes. In order for it to be effective, you must take the pill daily as prescribed by your healthcare provider.

Once I start Daily PrEP do I have to take it for the rest of my life?
No one knows your body like you do, so it is entirely up to you to decide when to start and stop taking PrEP. If you’re on PrEP and feel like your risk of getting HIV has significantly decreased, speak with your healthcare team about taking a break.
What if I take a break from PrEP?
If you stopped taking PrEP and want to start again, make an appointment with your healthcare team. Be sure to ask your healthcare team how long it takes for PrEP to be effective after restarting.

How much will Daily PrEP cost me?
Whether you are insured or not, PrEP services are available at low to no cost. Discuss options with your healthcare team.
How can I get PrEP?
APLA Health’s clinics provide exceptional PrEP care from knowledgeable healthcare providers. For more information, book an appointment today by calling us at 213.201.5000.