Getting Started
Please consult with your professional advisor to determine if an estate gift is right for you. Your advisors can help you explore the possibilities and identify ways to maximize the financial and tax benefits of an estate gift. APLA Health also offers free information to help you explore these options further.
Joining the Legacy Society is as easy as completing, signing, and returning this letter of provision.
Sample Language for Leaving a Bequest to APLA Health & Wellness (d.b.a. APLA Health)
“I hereby give, bequeath, and devise [the sum of $_____], [_____ percent of my property both real and personal], or [the name of a specific piece of property] to APLA Health & Wellness, which has its principal place of business at 611 S. Kingsley Drive, Los Angeles, CA, 90005, and whose 501(c)(3) tax identification number is 84-1661910.”
APLA Health's full legal name is:
APLA Health & Wellness
And our tax identification number is: