
Planned Giving

Legacy giving is a way to leave a meaningful legacy to APLA Health and to ensure the ongoing viability of our organization.
Planned Giving is an excellent way to leave a meaningful legacy to APLA Health and provide compassionate, quality care and support to thousands of people in greatest need.
When you remember APLA Health in your will or trust, as a beneficiary of a life insurance policy or retirement plan, or as part of a gift that pays you income during your lifetime, you are ensuring that APLA Health will be here to care for everyone who turns to us for help.

We are happy to discuss financial plans designed to take care of your loved one and include a charitable gift to APLA Health. Let your legacy gift serve as a solid base for our efforts to support policy change at all levels of government and provide necessary care to our most vulnerable neighbors.

APLA Health’s Legacy Society honors those generous individuals who have remembered APLA Health with a planned gift. With the right strategy, estates both large and small can benefit while at the same helping us fight for a healthy community and the end of the AIDS epidemic.

Overview of
Planned Giving

In addition to supporting the mission of APLA Health, a planned gift can provide substantial tax advantages, especially on gifts of stocks and real estate. The benefits may include:
An income tax deduction
Reduced capital gains taxes
Reduced probate costs and estate taxes
Income for life

Simply by taking advantage of incentives the IRS provides, you and your advisor can craft a gift that fits your needs, as well as the needs of APLA Health. Even with the increased standard deduction in the tax law that became effective in 2018, an immediate income tax charitable deduction resulting from a planned gift may lead to itemizing deductions and greater tax savings. A planned gift makes it possible for you, your loved ones, and APLA Health to all benefit.

We want to be sure that we can fulfill your wishes. Contact Ken Mintzer at 213.201.1525 or for more information with no obligation or pressure to make a gift.

Getting Started

Please consult with your professional advisor to determine if an estate gift is right for you. Your advisors can help you explore the possibilities and identify ways to maximize the financial and tax benefits of an estate gift. APLA Health also offers free information to help you explore these options further.

Joining the Legacy Society is as easy as completing, signing, and returning this letter of provision.

Sample Language for Leaving a Bequest to APLA Health & Wellness (d.b.a. APLA Health)
“I hereby give, bequeath, and devise [the sum of $_____], [_____ percent of my property both real and personal], or [the name of a specific piece of property] to APLA Health & Wellness, which has its principal place of business at 611 S. Kingsley Drive, Los Angeles, CA, 90005, and whose 501(c)(3) tax identification number is 84-1661910.”

APLA Health's full legal name is:

APLA Health & Wellness

And our tax identification number is:


Its Mission Was His Motivation

Ron Sylvester found APLA Health's mission compelling from the start.

“Knowing that my donations are helping underserved communities in the area of basic health is very satisfying to me,” he said.

Ron first became involved with APLA in 2015, when he helped to establish the APLA Health Center, Long Beach. After that, he was invited to join the Board of Directors, where he has served for six years and has come to appreciate APLA’s efforts to expand healthcare programs and services.

“APLA is extremely well run,” he said. “It receives very positive feedback from patients and clients, and it has really stepped up over the years to address the health concerns of our ever-changing local LGBTQ community.”

Ron’s interest in working with nonprofits and in strategic and leadership positions is an outgrowth of his professional career in the entertainment publicity and production industry. After starting out in New York City, he moved to the Los Angeles area in 1997 and founded his own company in 2005. Today, he lives in Palm Springs and takes on a few select projects each year, traveling and spending time with family in between.

Ron joined APLA’s Leadership Circle of donors when he became a board member, and he often makes donations to support AIDS Walk and other APLA-sponsored events.

“I know and trust APLA to spend this money in whatever way helps the organization sustain the great programs and services they offer to the community,” he explained.

Most recently, he has made a legacy gift by naming APLA Health a beneficiary of his trust.

“I chose this as the most simple and direct way to execute my wishes,” he explained. “My gift will help ensure that the organization is continuing to do great work and helping those in need long after I’m gone!”

Take Charge!

Download the APLA Health Estate Planning Guide and Organizer

Let’s start with a simple question: do you really need an estate plan? The simple answer is “yes.”

In this booklet, we discuss the key elements of an estate plan, the documents you should have, and some charitable giving ideas you might want to incorporate into your estate plan. Then you have the opportunity to record personal and financial information that you need to share with your family and to create your estate plan.

Donor-Advised Funds

A donor-advised fund is a charitable investment account that you set up and deposit assets into at a sponsoring organization. You direct how the funds are invested and which charitable organizations—like APLA Health—to support.

When you make your irrevocable contribution of cash, securities or other assets to a donor-advised fund, you are generally eligible to take an immediate tax deduction. Then those funds are invested as you like and can grow tax-free until you’re ready to recommend a grant to virtually any IRS-qualified public charity.

Donor-advised funds are one of the easiest and most tax-advantageous ways to give to charity, and they are an increasingly popular means of receiving an immediate tax benefit while you plan for future contributions to your favorite charities.

IRA Rollover

Your IRA can provide a tax-smart way to make an impact with APLA Health now. The Qualified Charitable Distribution or QCD (sometimes called an “IRA Charitable Rollover”) is a great way to make a tax-free gift now to APLA Health and satisfy your Required Minimum Distribution (RMD), too.

How Do I Qualify?
You must be 70½ years or older at the time of the gift.
Gifts must go directly from your IRA to APLA Health.
Gifts cannot exceed $100,000 per donor per year.
Benefits of Qualified Charitable Distribution
If you don’t itemize your income tax deductions, a QCD offers all of the benefits of an itemized income tax charitable deduction.
If you are age 73 or older and must take a Required Minimum Distribution RMD, a QCD gift can satisfy your RMD without increasing your income taxes.
You may direct your gift to a program or area of your choice.
It is a wonderful way to create an immediate impact on APLA Health.
How Can I Make an IRA Charitable Rollover?

Contact your IRA administrator to request a Qualified Charitable Distribution from your IRA to APLA Health.

Gifts by Will or Beneficiary

A charitable gift from your estate is a favored method of giving that enables you to achieve your financial goals and benefit APLA Health. No other planned gift is as simple to make or as easy to change, should you ever need the assets during your lifetime.

A bequest may be right for you if:

You want to make a gift to APLA Health.
You want the flexibility to change your mind.
You want continued access to your wealth, should you need it.
You are concerned about outliving your resources.
Home Health
Trans couple

Alternatively, one of the simplest ways to make a gift to APLA Health is to designate APLA Health to receive your assets at the end of your lifetime. You can specify all or a percentage of the assets you want each beneficiary to receive. Often, it's as easy as filling out a form.

Beneficiary designations are an option for giving the following financial assets:

Retirement account assets
Life insurance
Commercial annuity contracts
Bank accounts
Investment accounts

Your Gift Will Change Lives

“The opportunity to make the world a little better for the next generation is humbling and gratifying.”
—Lee Klosinski

Lee and his partner, David Cohen, have made gifts to support APLA Health programs and events for the past 20 years. More recently, they made the gift of a bequest through their joint David Cohen and Lee Kloskinski Revocable Trust.

“We hope this gift gives APLA Health an unrestricted space in the future to innovate and advocate. We trust APLA will continue to recruit a board and staff committed to health equality, anti-racism, HIV specialty care, and LGBTQ+ empowering healthcare.”

Life Income Gifts

Planned giving is a great way to support APLA Health while generating income for yourself and your family. Learn how these gifts allow you to achieve both of these goals.

A charitable gift annuity provides fixed payments for life in exchange for a gift of cash or securities to APLA Health. Gift annuities are easy to set up and the payments you receive are backed by the general resources of APLA Health.

A charitable gift annuity could be right for you if:

You want to maintain or increase your cash flow.
You want the security of fixed, dependable payments for life.
You want to save income taxes or capital gains taxes.
You would like income that is partially tax-free.
You want to make a generous gift to APLA Health.
You are considering a gift amount of $25,000 or more.
You are at least 65 years of age.
Support for West Hollywood
Woman reviewing her weekly plans

A charitable remainder unitrust can help you maintain or increase your income while making a significant gift to APLA Health.

If your unitrust grows, your payments will grow too, providing a hedge against inflation. A unitrust provides more flexibility than other life income plans.

A charitable remainder unitrust could be right for you if:

You want to provide income for yourself or others.
You want the possibility of income growth.
You want to save income taxes or capital gains taxes.
You want to choose the person who administers your gift and guides its investments.
You want to make a generous gift to APLA Health.
You are considering a gift amount of $250,000 or more.

Contact Ken Mintzer

Contact our Legacy Giving office for information on gift strategies that can help you support APLA Health and provide significant benefits to you and your family.

Ken Mintzer
Director of Development

Planned Giving News

Winter 2024

Dr. Michael Gottlieb

We are excited with anticipation of the opening of the Michael Gottlieb Health Center, West Hollywood, in 2024, our newest state-of-the-art health center that honors an AIDS research pioneer and further bolsters APLA Health’s commitment to the fight to end HIV/AIDS.

Despite the inconceivable nationwide pushback against LGBTQ+ rights and healthcare this past year, APLA Health is not backing down. We’re advancing new initiatives and investing deeper in our mission to restore dignity and trust within underserved communities by providing world-class LGBTQ+ empowering healthcare, HIV specialty care, food, housing, and other essential support services.

Dedicated leaders like you are a model for others – your support affirms the dignity of everyone in our communities, especially the most vulnerable. We’re so grateful for your dedication and passion.

Your continuing gifts help support the opening of the new Michael Gottlieb Health Center which will offer:

  • Ten patient exam rooms for LGBTQ+ primary healthcare & HIV specialty care
  • On-site pharmacy (APLA Health’s first owned pharmacy location)
  • Online appointments for STD screening & treatment services
  • Behavioral healthcare services
  • The latest advances in medical prophylaxis including PrEP & DoxyPEP
  • Access to support services, including food & housing, for people living with HIV

We are especially proud to be naming our newest clinic after Dr. Michael Gottlieb, a pioneering researcher and world-renowned physician in the field of HIV/AIDS.

In 1981, Dr. Gottlieb was the first physician to identify and describe the disease that came to be known as AIDS. He identified the CD4 T-cell deficiency as the hallmark immune system abnormality caused by HIV, a finding which directly led to the discovery of the HIV virus.

As a former day-to-day medical practitioner at APLA Health and a former APLA Health board member, Dr. Gottlieb shares our deep-seated belief in the importance of a comprehensive healthcare model that’s accessible to everybody, regardless of their identity, sexuality, or ability to pay.

After more than 40 years of service to the HIV community, Dr. Gottlieb retired from the day-to-day practice of medicine at the end of 2023. His contributions to AIDS research and the administration of care have left an indelible mark on the LGBTQ+ community, Los Angeles, and the world.

New Year, New Giving

The new year – an opportunity for recalibrating and for starting anew. As the nights gradually become shorter and the promise of spring right around the corner, we turn our attention to the opportunities and the challenges that 2024 will surely bring.

Even if you are not inclined to make New Year’s Resolutions, this is a great time to begin planning your charitable giving for the coming year. There are many opportunities to shape your charitable gifts to fit your unique circumstances and to make sure you maximize the financial advantages and tax savings. Some gift plans require careful consideration on your part and may entail consultation with your family and advisors, all of which takes time.

A gift of appreciated securities, for example, can provide double tax savings for you, but timing can be critical. Depending upon your unique situation, a gift from your retirement account can offer significant advantages to you even though it may take extra time to complete the gift. And – speaking of New Year’s Resolutions – perhaps this is the year to review and update your estate plans including a legacy gift to APLA Health.

Thanks to your generous support over the years, we have been able to continue the fight for healthcare equity for the LGBTQ+ community, people living with and affected by HIV, and other underserved communities. Though the future may be uncertain, we know that our work is not yet done. We hope we can count on your continued support as we strive to restore dignity and trust by providing world-class LGBTQ+ empowering healthcare. We stand ready to work with you and your advisors to make certain that your charitable giving in 2024 makes the most sense for you.

Beneficiary Designations:
Your Legacy Made Simple

One of the simplest ways to make a legacy gift to APLA Health is with a “beneficiary designation” for your financial accounts or certain other assets. It’s usually as simple as filling out a form – no need to re-write your will or other estate planning documents. You can name APLA Health as the sole beneficiary or as one of several, perhaps designating some to APLA Health and the rest to your family or others.

A beneficiary designation contribution offers significant benefits for you:

  • Flexible: you can change your beneficiary designation at any time
  • Easy to arrange: no need to change your will
  • Tax advantageous: your contribution is not subject to income or estate taxes

Accounts and assets you may consider designating for APLA Health include:

Bank account: You can instruct your bank to pay all or a portion of what remains in your checking or savings account to APLA Health. Your bank can provide you with the appropriate forms.

Investment account: You can instruct your investment company to transfer to APLA Health some or all of the investments held in your account at end of your lifetime. There may be an on-line form, or your broker or agent can help you with the process.

Retirement accounts: A beneficiary designation contribution from your IRA, 401(k), 403(b), or most other qualified retirement plans can save taxes for your heirs. If you leave your retirement accounts to others, the distributions will be subject to income tax. However, when these accounts pass to APLA Health there is no income tax. Leaving your retirement account to APLA Health and reserving other assets for your heirs saves taxes. Your retirement plan administrator can show you how to designate APLA Health as beneficiary of a percentage of your account or a specific dollar amount.

Life insurance policies: Simply complete and return to your insurance company a form designating that APLA Health receive all or a portion of your policy’s death benefit.

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