
Party Wise

Party Wise Crystal Methamphetamine Program

Are you a gay man or a man who has sex with other men? Do you use meth?

Then Party Wise is for you. Wherever you are in your meth journey, we have services to help you stay as healthy as possible.

Services We Offer:

Let's Knock Out Overdose Together

Naloxone is a medication available as nasal spray for known or suspected opioid overdose in adults and children. We also offer fentanyl test strips. To make a request please contact the Party Wise team members at 213.201.5000.

No Cost. No Questions Asked.

Medication-Assisted Therapy (MAT)

This service is open to those looking to have access to medication that can help reduce the cravings for crystal meth and support them in their efforts to stop their methamphetamine use. Participants need to be an APLA Health center patient to access MAT.

Harm Reduction Educational Groups

Facilitated in English and Spanish, our Harm Reduction groups aim to educate, inform, and provide participants with practical harm reduction and risk reduction strategies to minimize their risk for HIV/STI transmission and acquisition as well as the harm related to drug-using behaviors.

Health Navigation Sessions (HNS)

Available in English and Spanish, HNS aim to assist program participants to re-engage or maintain themselves in medical care and sexual health services, by exploring clients' barriers and supporting them in developing goals, as well as improving their overall well-being.

Contingency Management (CM)

CM is a type of behavioral therapy strategy to encourage positive behavior change (e.g., abstinence). Participants are ‘reinforced’, or rewarded, with monetary-based reinforcement for the submission of 24 meth-free urine specimens in a total of 8 weeks.

Getting Off, Behavioral Treatment Intervention

Facilitated by a Certified Alcohol Drug Counselor (CADC), this 24-session, 8-week, evidence-based cognitive behavioral therapy intervention is for those who want to stop or reduce their meth use. The free intervention requires an intake interview with the Party Wise program CADC, for group participation.

For more information call us at 213.201.5000, choose the community resources option by pressing the number 2 and follow the prompts.

Party Wise Program funders include:
The Los Angeles County Department of Public Health, Division of HIV and STD Programs
The Murray/Reese Foundation
The Sierra Health Foundation


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